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Coffee at Christmas is Great For your Employees

Coffee at Christmas In The Office

With Christmas coming up quickly it could be the perfect time for you to share a little appreciation to your employees. Sharing coffee at Christmas in the office, aside from making them feel special, you’ll increase productivity and warm everyone’s hearts in these cold months. If you normally offer them the cheap coffee from the supermarket, this is the perfect time of the year to show a little appreciation and offer an upgrade. Below we’ve highlighted some top tips to making your new coffee last the test of time.

Buy Fresh-Roasted Beans

Don’t skimp! Buy the nice stuff! Coffee is naturally sweet so maybe it’s time to upgrade to freshly roasted beans that haven’t become bitter. Buying roasted beans coffee will ensure it is fresh, sweet, and way better than the cheap one from the supermarket you’ve been buying for years.

Store The Beans In The Right Containers

Of course, it is important to buy the right coffee but, you also need to store it properly so that it lasts. By storing your new coffee in airtight containers it will not go off, leaving it bitter.


Grind The Beans As You Brew Them

If you splash on a real coffee machine, don’t just grind a load of coffee beans and leave them sitting there. To keep everything as fresh as possible, only grind the beans as and when you need them. This is one of the main reasons the supermarket coffee tastes so bitter and often bad. It has been ground months in advance meaning it has had more contact with outside air.

Choose Glass Brewing Implements

Chuck away the plastic sitting around the office kitchen and replace it with glass. Yes, if someone drops it breaks but, with plastic it’s impossible to clean off old residue. This means you are drinking coffee that has been sitting in your implements for months! With glass, you can get rid of all the residue!


Brew Your Coffee in Small Quantities

Coffee is a drink that should be consumed straight after it’s been brewed. By leaving it in the pot tannins grow and ruin the flavor. Also, reheating coffee is not good for you or your taste buds.

If you are thinking of treating your employees to some good coffee, why not invest in a new machine? At Expresso Office Coffee we can help you choose the best machine and beans for your needs. Do not hesitate in Contacting us!


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